1 - Header Bar
Now at the top of the page there are a few crucial links, a quick link to a page you can use to contact me, links to projects I have coming out at Easter (an appearance on Channel 4's Bible films documentary The Passion: Films, Faith and Fury, and a book called "Cut to the Chase" in which I have a couple of very short chapters). There's also 3 filmographies...
2 - Film Indexes
(Yes I know that should be indices, but it just doesn't sound right.)
In order for visitors to the site to find info on specific film straight away, I've added 3 film indexes, one for Hebrew Bible / Old Testament films, one for Jesus films and one for films based on the rest of the New Testament. Each one has links to blog posts, my reviews, scene guides and significant articles by other writers. I'll be updating that regularly, so that hopefully nearly every film will have links.
3 - Additional "Jesus Film Articles" Sidebar
This is a collection of some of the best articles on the web about Jesus films. The authors of these have covered a number of Jesus films in each article, rather than just one, and I'll expand it as I go on. Recommendations would be much appreciated, os if you have one (or you yourself have written one I've not included), please let me know.
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