La Vie du Christ (1899?)
La Mort du Christ (1902?)
Life and Passion of Jesus Christ (1902-8)
From the Manger to the Cross (1912)
Son of Man (1915)
Jesus of Nazareth (1916/1919)
The King of Kings (1927)
Golgotha (1935)
Living Christ Series (1951-52)
Day of Triumph (1954)
King of Kings (1961)
Il Vangelo Secondo Matteo (1964)
Greatest Story Ever Told (1965)
Son of Man (1969)
Godspell (1973)
Jesus Christ Superstar (1973)
Gospel Road (1973)
Il Messia (1975)
Jesus of Nazareth - long (1977)
Jesus of Nazareth - short (1977)
Dayasagar / Karunamoorthy (1978)
Jesus (1979)
Life of Brian (1979)
Last Temptation of Christ (1988)
Jesus of Montreal (1989)
The Revolutionary (1999)
Mary, Mother of Jesus (1999)
The Miracle Maker (1999)
Jesus - Mini Series (1999)
Jesus Christ Superstar (2000)
The Passion of the Christ (2004)

There are also two different guides for the two cuts of Jesus of Nazareth available at the moment. In the UK we can only get the four and a half hour version at the moment (or at least last time I looked), whereas the longer six and a half hour version is the standard version in the US (and hey, what's an extra two hours when you're that far through!)
A few acknowledgements. Although this is almost entirely my own work, there are a few places where I've utilised other people's work to patch up a few holes in my records. So in one or two places I used Stern, Jefford and Debona's Savior on the Silver Screen, plus I referred to a guide Alan Thomas did for the longer cut of Jesus of Nazareth (available here), and a scene-by-scene guide that Darell Bock did for The Passion of the Christ.
I've tried to use consistent names for the same incidents, although there are plenty of examples where I haven't, but hopefully that makes searching for various representations of the same event Yancey-style a bit easier (use Excel's "Find" feature). I've also included some of the key extra-biblical episodes, but not every incident, and again this is a bit inconsistent from film to film. These are marked in pale grey. In terms of printing it out I suggest you use Excel's "Hide" function to hide any columns for film's you're not interested in.
Please feel free to download this guide and use it as you wish. I do however ask that if you are reproducing it you give me the appropriate credit as author, and do not use it for something you're charging for without asking me first. I've fairly laid back about such things, but it's nice to be asked.
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