(I know I'm using the same photo two posts running, but it's the only one there is so far, and, well, I really like it).
Mark Goodacre, who has acted as the historical consultant for HBO/BBC's The Passion has posted a few comments on Tuesday's press release. The first of his recent posts includes the following:
A couple of minor comments. First, this story is widely reported today with the error that it is five episodes. It is actually six. Second, when the press release above says "Easter Week", it should read "Holy Week". I assume that it will run from Monday-Good Friday + Easter Sunday.Then on Wednesday he added
More substantively, I am happy to report that I have seen rough edits of the first two episodes and they are really excellent. I am very excited about this, having been involved with this project as a consultant for just over two years. In due course, I would like to tell the story of the project from the sidelines of my small contribution. At this stage, though, I should not be revealing any of its secrets, so my story will have to wait
don't think it's quite right to say that it "rehabilitates Pilate" though it is the case that all the characters in the drama are well-drawn, three-dimensional characters. I would also doubt that the depiction of the resurrection will "anger Christian groups" in the US, though you can never predict these things. I have not yet seen the episode, but what I can say on the basis of the scripts and the extensive discussions about them is that it is depicted in a very interesting and fresh way, quite unlike anything in previous Jesus films.He's also linked to articles in the press featuring in The Sun, The Times, This is London, Inspire Magazine, Variety, World Screen, Hollywood Reporter, The Stage and The Guardian.
There are a few interesting bits of commentary in amongst the usual re-hashing of the press release. Incidentally, on Tuesday I omitted to mention that there are a few additional comments on the BBC's winter / spring schedule which was released the same day.

The general idea is that the people who are the authority figures, the people who would have been known names to the world in which we're moving, will be played by well known actors. Jesus and the disciples will be mainly played by actors who are not so well known...it's important that when they arrive at the beginning of the week that they are, to some extent, unknown quantities, as they were when they arrived at the beginning of that week.One further point on all of this, someone called notes that
It sounds rather similar to Channel 4's 1992 drama An Incident in Judea which was an adaption of the Pilate section from The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov. An Incident in Judea is probably the best drama I have seen on tv so I hope this is as good. (C4 please repeat Incident at Easter)I vaguely remember this programme happening, but I don't think I actually saw it (I was only 17 at the time). It does sound interesting, although I think that Jesus didn't appear on screen.
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