A couple of further points on HBO/BBC1's The Passion. Firstly, the Churches Media Council has set aside a dedicated section of their website to cover the series. So far it includes the four "principles" they are commending ("We welcome this production; This is a BBC series; This is a work of drama;" and "Let's talk about Jesus") as well as an FAQ, information on what the national church is doing, and advice for local churches.
Two things caught my eye from the FAQ. Firstly, that the first episode will be going out in the UK on Palm Sunday (16th March 2008). I think I had expected the Monday for some reason, but Palm Sunday makes a good deal more sense. Secondly, that Peter will be played by Darren Morfitt who played Jesus in 2006's Manchester Passion.
The other piece of news I have is that the official première is taking place on the 28th February in London. More details on that to follow.
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