My friend Stu Jesson has posted this summary of his favourite film (apparently inspired by the Volkswagen "
see film differently" ads). Does anyone know this one?
My absolute favourite film is that one about the guy who gets born on Christmas, and thinks he’s special, and when he’s older he decides to try to be king. Except that first he has to fulfill all these ancient prophecies. So he marches around the villages, searching for these three things that got hidden by some wizards years ago – gold, frankinsence and murr, and meets these other guys on the way. They don't like him at first, but after he beats the big one up in the middle of a river, they make friends, and build these wicked houses in trees.
Once he’s found the things the wizards hid, he takes them to a lake in the middle of a storm. When he drops them in, the storm stops straight away, which is one of the prophecies. So then he jumps on a donkey and rides into the city to become king. But before they let him be king, he has to starve himself for forty days and then escape from a cave with a massive stone in front of it. Some eagles come and help him, I think, and then they have breakfast.
Er...quite. Fans of the Colbert Report might be aware of his
Captain Jesus Hood piece which is sadly unavailable in the UK (so neither Stu or I have any idea what it contains).
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