Ted Baehr of
Movieguide has published online a 32 page guide to
Jesus Christ in the Movies. It's available to
download as either a high or low quality PDF from the
Movieguide website. I've not had a chance to read it yet, but in essence there is a 5 page introduction followed by brief comments on 50 Jesus films, ranging from 1897 to the present day. I'm certainly looking forward to reading it. Baehr and I have quite different opinions on theology, but, when it come to Jesus films, he certainly knows his stuff.
There's also a video hosted on
YouTube which, I assume, is by way of publicising the project. It's well worth a look and nicely put together managing to cram a good number clips from a diverse bunch of films into a little over three minutes.
I'll hopefully get the chance to read the main publication over the next few days and will report back shortly.
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