Anyway, I'm going to be looking at how different films portray the end of the story of Jesus. It's an exercise I've run before as part of the Jesus Films course I ran a few years back (download notes), and it worked fairly well as I recall.
I'm going to show clips from the following seven films (chapters and timings included incase anyone wants to play along at home):
The King of Kings (1927 cut) - ch.26; start- 2:22:55; end- 2:25:50There's a nice mix there of how the different films end the story, focussing on the different elements. Even the films that don't portray the resurrection bring out different aspects of the significance of Jesus' death. Son of Man is very depressing, whereas Last Temptation ends on a victorious note, even though it doesn't explore a bodily resurrection.
Il Vangelo Secondo Matteo(1964) - ch.16; start- 2:06:36; end- 2:11:00
Son of Man (1969) - ch.10; start- 1:26:50; end- 1:28:55
Jesus Christ Superstar (1973) - ch.23; start- 1:36:39; end- 1:41:20
Last Temptation (1988) - ch.29; start- 2:39:28; end- 2:41:05
Passion of the Christ (2004) - ch.15; start- 1:53:10; end- 1:55:45
The Passion (2008) ep.4 - ch.1; start- 19:42; end- 22:42
It's also nice to have the BBC's The Passion to add into the mix. It's one of the more controversial endings, and has been read in widely different ways. For some it suggests Jesus' followers were hallucinating, for others it nicely brought out the apparently changed nature of Jesus' physical body.
One of the things we will look at is the different biblical accounts of Jesus' resurrection which I've summarised below:
What I find interesting is how the films that are more popular amongst more conservative Christians (The King of Kings, Passion of the Christtend to use the most artistic licence on this part of the story, whereas those that are more criticised by those groups (Last Temptation, The Passion) actually stick more closely to the text. It's also interesting that ending a Jesus film without showing the resurrection is often considered the product of modern scepticism even though it is actually continuing the traditions of the Easter passion plays.
Matt Mark Women at the Tomb Women at the Tomb Empty Tomb Empty Tomb Jesus appears (Res'n appearances) Soldiers Bribed
Luke John Women at the Tomb Mary at the Tomb Empty Tomb Pete & Jon at Tomb Road to Emmaus Mary sees Jesus Appearance to 11 Appearance to 11 2nd appearance to 11 Fish for breakfast
Anyway, it'll be interesting to see what they all make of the different films. I'll report back next week.
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