7 Mins in - We meet the "certain hypocrites amongst the Pharisees" - literalisation of Jesus' parable of publican and tax collector (Luke 18:9-14) - "O Lord I thank thee that I am not like other men" [3 minutes long]
54 Minutes in - Marriage at Cana (John 2:1-11), (includes quote "Be ye harmless as doves (Matt 10:6) and the doves are actually shown), [3:30 minutes long]
64 Minutes in - "Glutonous and a winebibber" (Matt 11:19 ), Adulteress (John 8:12-11) [2:30 minutes long]
85 Minutes in - "Suffer (the) Little Children" (Mark 10:14) [15 seconds long]
138 Minutes in - Via dolorosa [30 seconds long]
159 Minutes in - Via dolorosa [10 seconds long]
171 Minutes in - Crucifixion [5 seconds long]

Within in those sparse 10 minutes Griffith actually uses episodes / quotes from all four gospels (five if you include the Gospel of Thomas), four of which are unique. So even with such a short screen time he offers a harmonised portrayal. Furthermore, he also removes three quotes from their original context. In other words this is a highly selective portrait of Jesus. The aim of this ultra-selective portrayal of Jesus is in order to co-opt him as a poster-boy for Griffith's anti-prohibitionist cause (then a very big issue). Personally I've never been a particular fan of this part of the story, for precisely this reason.
Tim Dirks has written a great review of Intolerance at filmsite.org.
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