Of course, in this sense the nativity story is a story in its own right as well as a part of the story of the life of Jesus, and the bible story as a whole. Given the huge significance of this story to our wider culture - it's the basis for our society's largest festival/celebration - it's surprising, that the story has been filmed so infrequently in it's own right, rather than as the prologue to the story of Jesus's life. This hasn't always been the case as the list below demonstrates:
1908 - Edison - The star of Bethlehem - 10 mins - B/W
1909 - France - The Birth of Jesus - short - hand tinted colour
1910 - France - La Nativité - short - B&W
1910 - France - Gaumont - Herod and the Newborn King - B&W
1912 - US-Thanhouser - The Star of Bethlehem - 3 reeler - B&W
1913 - US-Selig - The Three Wise Men - 1000 ft - B&W
1914 - US - Edison - The Birth of our Saviour - 1000ft - B&W
1921 - Germany - Der Stern von Bethlehem - B&W
1950 - US-NBC TV - A Child is Born - 30 mins - B/W
1956 - GB - The Star of Bethlehem - 90 mins (remake of the above)
1960 - Italy - Herod the Great - 93 mins - colour
1969 - Czechoslovakia - Hvezda Betlemska (The Star of Bethlehem) - 10 mins - animated colour.
1978 - US-short - The Small One - 20 mins - colour
1978 - US-TV - The Nativity - 98 mins - colour
1979 - Ca-TV - Mary and Joseph: A Story of Faith - 152 mins - colour
1982 - Italy - Cammina, Cammina (Keep on Walking) - 171 mins - colour
1985 - France - Je Vous Salue, Marie (Hail Mary) - 97 mins - colour
1989 - Italy-TV - Un Bambino di nome Gesù (A Child Called) Jesus - colour
2001 - Italy-TV - Close to Jesus: Joseph of Nazareth - 90 mins - colour

So all in all there are 18 films about the nativity. Incredibly, seven of those appear in as many years, in the mid-silent period (1908 to 1914). Since the advent of sound at least half of the remaining films have been made for TV, and only 2 have been made in the US, 1 in Canada, and the rest have come from Europe.

I wrote a few more comments on a selection of these films back when I first heard the news about The Nativity Story.
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