Anyway, anyone who has read FilmChat recently will know this old news already, but as I wasn't able to post anything it before Easter, I thought I would do so now. In addition to Peter Chattaway's top ten Jesus films at Christianity Today, and my top ten Jesus films, there is now a list of the top 12 film Jesuses (or Jesi as Clayton Slaughter suggests) up at Entertainment Weekly. Their list is as follows (in chronological order:
I always wonder with things like this how they devised them. For a start it is strange that they have done a top 12 rather than top 10. I can only assume that this is because they felt they had to include the major film Jesi down to Hunter and von Sydow, but also wanted to include lesser known portrayals such as Bale, Ferrell, Donovan and Sarandon.Jim Caviezel (The Passion of the Christ)
Christian Bale (Mary, the Mother of Jesus)
Will Ferrell (Superstar)
Jeremy Sisto (Jesus)
Martin Donovan (Book of Life)
Willem Dafoe (Last Temptation of Christ)
Chris Sarandon (The Day Christ Died)
Robert Powell (Jesus of Nazareth)
Victor Garber (Godspell)
Ted Neely (Jesus Christ Superstar)
Max von Sydow (The Greatest Story Ever Told)
Jeffrey Hunter (King of Kings)
There are two films on the list that I have yet to see. Like Peter, I'd not heard of Ferrell's turn in Superstar (1980), and will have to see if I can dig it out. On the other hand I've known about The Day Christ Died (1980) for a long time, but sadly it's not available to buy.
The limitations of the list are not to hard to spot. Firstly, all these films are American. Whilst I can understand that Entertainment Weekly is a popular magazine, and trying to write for as wider readership as possible, would it really have hurt them to have included Enrique Irazoqui from Pasolini's Gospel According to St. Matthew (1964)? Similarly the list only covers the last 45 years. Whilst going back this far is, in itself, a positive step, it would have been nice to choose a film from the silent era.

Anyway, it's easy to criticise, without offering anything in return, so here's my list.
Jim Caviezel (The Passion of the Christ)I should add that I was mainly voting on the basis of the actor's performance given what they were asked to do. Admittedly there's some guess work as to where the actor's performance starts and teh direction ends, but even so that seemed to be the best way to do it. So, take Bruce Marchiano, in places some of the things he has clearly been asked to do are crass (e.g. emptying a jar of water on a disciple's head during the Sermon on the Mount), but a lot of his work is very good in my opinion.
Henry Ian Cusick (Gospel of John)
Christian Bale (Mary, the Mother of Jesus)
Jeremy Sisto (Jesus)
Martin Donovan (Book of Life)
Bruce Marchiano (Visual Bible: Matthew)
Willem Dafoe (Last Temptation of Christ)
Pier Maria Rossi (Il Messia)
Colin Blakely (Son of Man)
Max von Sydow (The Greatest Story Ever Told)
Enrique Irazoqui (Il Vangelo Secondo Matteo)
Robert Henderson Bland (From the Manger to the Cross)
Finally, a while back there was a discussion on Arts and Faith called "Who's Your Favourite Film Jesus?" which was also discussed at NT Gateway and Codex. For what it's worth I voted for Jim Caviezel, although I regret that now. Predictably, he and Robert Powell were way ahead of the rest. There's also another top ten Bible Films list at my favourite everything.
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