was posted yesterday, and a proper review of the film will follow tomorrow.
Part 2A Few Notes
Egyptian army destroyed in the sea (Ex 14:23-28)
Israel celebrates destruction of the army (Ex 14:29- 15:21)
> non-scriptural episodes
Waters of Marah (Ex 15:22-26)
Manna and Quail (Ex 16:1-31)
Water from Rock (Ex 17:1-7)
> non-scriptural episodes
Victory over the Amalekites (Ex 17:8-14)
> non-scriptural episode
Jethro's visit (Ex 18:1-27)
> non-scriptural episodes
The Ten Commandments given to Moses (Ex 19 & 20)
The people worship a golden calf (Ex 32:1-6)
Punishment for following the golden calf (Ex 32:25-28)
The stone tablets are given to Moses again (Ex 33:1-5, 12-17)
Death of Moses (Deut 34:1-9)

Only De Bosio's 1975 Moses film includes the victory over the Amalekites. A few films include the manna and quails, but this is the only film that I can recall showing the sweetening of the waters of Mara (although I think that is present in the six hour cut of the De Bosio film).
This is the only film that I can recall Moses sending Zipporah away between his return to Egypt in chapter 4 of Exodus, and the visit of Jethro in chapter 18. It was surprising, however, particularly given the presence of Omar Sharif, how this later section was handled.
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