The marketing for the film (including quite an interesting TV ad) suggested that the film would primarily be concerned with the relationship between film-makers and the church over the last 100 years and this was certainly the main thrust of the documentary. After a brief introduction, presenter Robert Beckford took us back to the start of the film industry and charted the relationship between these two bodies across the last century.
One of the biggest strengths of the film was how it skilfully wove together an overview of the history of the main biblical films with the confrontation that accompanied them to give the programme a strong narrative arc which was far more engaging than that of other similar documentaries such as The Bible According to Hollywood which plod far more formulaically from epic to epic, without having much fresh information to impart.

Martin Scorsese
Terry Gilliam
Franco Zefferelli
Norman Jewison
George Stevens' Son
Willem Dafoe
Robert Powell
Brian Deacon
Enrique Irazaquoi
Brian Blessed
Larry Marshall (Simon Zealotes in Jesus Christ Superstar)
Film Critics
Mark Kermode
Rich Cline (Radio 5)
Kenneth Turan (LA Times)
Peter Malone (author "Movie Christs and Anti-Christs")
W. Barnes Tatum (author "Jesus at the Movies")
...Plus at least a couple of others from US dailies...and me
Church Representatives
Ted Baehr (Movie Guide)
Bob Waliszewski (Focus on the Family)
...plus a number of others from newer and more traditional churches
There are quite a few I've not been able to recall, and won't be able to dig out exacat numbers and all names until I get the chance to watch this again. However, the interview snippets certainly added to the structure of the film, and many of the comment were insightful and helped develop the narrative, rather than simply having a handful of celebs repeating the same inane comments in order to make the show more appealing, as is often the case with programmes like this.

Finally, I should comment on my parts. There were two brief shots of me - a sound-bite on Intolerance (1916) and another on The Ten Commandments (1956). I was greatly relieved not to have mumbled, been heretical, ugly, excluded at the last minute, said something foolish or quoted out of context, and fairly pleased at what I said. I was surprised at the bits they used though. I didn't remember saying much about Intolerance and thought that they would have plenty of other material for The Ten Commandments. I also recognised part of the script as being similar to an article I wrote back in 2004. Given that the publication I wrote the article for never used it, it was nice to see the work I put into it bearing fruit.
Overall then it was well worth watching, and I was very happy to have been part of it. If you live in the UK, and missed it, you'll be pleased to know there is a repeat showing at 1:40 am on Saturday Morning (22nd April).
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