Part 1A Few Notes
[Extra-biblical episodes]
Mary and Martha - (Luke 10:38-42)
John the Baptist - (Mark 1:4-8)
Boy Jesus (Luke 2:41-50)
Jesus’ Baptism - (Mark 1:9-11)
Temptation - (Matt 4:1-11)
Andrew & John follow - (John 1:35-40)
Mary tells Joseph she is pregnant - (Matt 1:19-20)
[Extra-Biblical Episode]
Wedding at Cana - (John 2:1-12)
Catch of Fish - (Luke 5:2-11)
[extra-biblical episodes]
Death of John - (Mark 6:17-27)
[Extra-Biblical Episode ]
Woman caught in Adultery - (John 8:2-11)
Clearing the Temple - (Mark 11:15-19)
Part 2
[Extra-Biblical Episode]
Various Teaching
Calling of the 12 - (Mark 3:14-19)
Calming the storm - (Matt 14:22-33)
Canaanite Woman - (Mark 7:24-30)
[Extra-biblical episode]
Lazarus Raised - (John 11:1-44)
Triumphal Entry - (Mark 11:1-11)
[Extra-biblical episode]
Last Supper - (Mark 14:12-31)
Judas’ Betrayal - (Mark 14:10-11)
Gethsemane - (Mark 14:32-42)
Jesus’s arrest - (Mark 14:43-50)
Peter’s Denial - (Mark 14:66-72))
Sanhedrin Trial - (Mark 14:53-64)
Pilate 1st trial - (Luke 23:1-7)
Before Herod - (Luke 23:8-12)
Pilate 2nd trial - (Luke 23:13-25)
Jesus is Whipped - (Matt 27:26)
Crucifixion and Death - (Mark 15:22-41)
Judas Hangs himself - (Matt 27:5b)
Burial - (Mark 15:42-47)
Mary M & the Empty Tomb - (John 20:1-2)
Peter & John at Tomb - (John 20:3-10)
Mary M meets Jesus - (John 20:11-16)
Thomas Doubts - (John 20:25)
Appearance to Disciples - (Luke 24:36-40)
[International ending - Extra-Biblical]

It's also noticeable how this film opts neither for the single trip to Jerusalem we find in Mark's gospel (and the other synoptics), nor the threefold trip to Jerusalem unique to John's Gospel. Whilst it is difficult to be precise (and unclear whether this was intentional on the part of the writer) it would appear that both parts of the film start in Galilee, and end in Jerusalem. Hence at the end of part 1, Jesus visits and clears the temple, before returning at the start of part 2 to the Sea of Galilee, to pick his diciples. and meet them across the water.
The other distinctive thing about the screen play is the prominence it gives to women. Many Jesus films have taken a number of different women and boiled them down into one> Usually this is achieved by making Mary Magdalene not only the woman who witnesses Jesus's resurrection but also the woman of sinful life who anoints Jesus, and the woman caught in adultery. Jesus Christ Superstar even portrays her as mothering Jesus as well - in a manner reminiscent of the Virgin Mary.

Finally there is the closing scene in the international version where Jesus appears as a modern man. Interestingly most British viewers I have encountered consider this scene very American, which is ironic since that is one of the few places it was not shown. There is also a difference of opinion as to whether this scene is a plus or a minus. Amongst others, I know that Mark Goodacre considers it a plus point, whereas I would strongly disagree. I'm not sure whether it's the music, or the children that I find grates. Certainly I like the idea of showing Jesus's relevance for today, but this ending just doesn't do it for me.
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